Hanumanasana! Aka Split Posture; named for Hanuman, the devoted warrior in Hindu
mythology, half monkey, half wind deity, whose leap of faith helped save the world in a battle of good vs. evil. 'Cause those are always raging somewhere, aren't they?
I worked on this pose for the better part of 2016, which in Chinese Lunar astrology was

the Year of the Red Fire Monkey. Dunno 'bout you, but I sure felt like a monkey with its tail on fire for the better part of last year. I love Chinese Lunar New Year for many reasons: the animal zodiac of Chinese astrology is cool, the dragon dancing, firecracker parades to banish the ghosts of the old year, and because it gives me another chance to initiate my intentions for the new year, as I often get a late start.
The "challenging" poses in yoga have always attracted me: the balance and strength they demand, as well as the the openings they create in the body and mind are soooo luscious to me. I find it best to work up to full expression incrementally. I made a video (production values low, lots of decapitation, but whatevs, my first attempt) showing very briefly how I do this. Take a look, and tell me what you think.

This year is the Year of the Fire Rooster. I'll be working with Bird of Paradise, a fancy standing balance pose that is oh-so-beautiful. And ass-kicking. Keep ya posted.